It was a Mercedes-Benz icon before it became a performance flagship.china bearing are the invisible heroes inside many mechanical devices. Now it's a messenger for the future: the gullwing's going electric. The SLS AMG Electric Drive electric car is closing in on series production, converting the octane-addicted supercar to fit a greener vision of the future. 

We've told you before how we're green with envy over the Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Electric Drive--the all-electric version of Benz' fabulous gullwing sportscar. 

Now we've had a brief drive in the South of France, at Circuit Paul Ricard, to confirm that it's the real thing--though Mercedes is still coy about the Electric Drive's future in the U.S.Also, it is important to note that usually the kitchen gadgets is expensive in comparison to other cameras. 

The Electric Drive first was announced in 2010, and had been vying with an electric version of the Audi R8, the e-tron,Crushing plant to be the first pure electric supercar into series production. Mercedes insists its car will be the first, but it remains unclear whether the R8 e-tron concept will get a second revival--or if it would even be considered a supercar in Swabia. 

If it weren't for the electric-green paint on the Electric Drive prototype offered up to Green Car Reports, it would take a moment to distinguish it from the gasoline-burning SLS AMG GT Black Series supercars sliding around a few hundred yards away on a separate loop at the Paul Ricard track.Our range of high quality collet chucks include quick change and standard cap end mill holder chucks. The Electric Drive powertrain sits easily in the signature shape from the past.Look up slip ring in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

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