
The notion that hands-free electronic gadgets and speech recognition devices ensure safety on the road is an illusion,Definition of Cheap S Helical Worm Geared Motor for sale from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations. says a new study done by the Washington-based Foundation for Traffic Safety.The study found that while speech-based, in-vehicle technologies - which let a driver use voice commands to dictate text messages, emails and even update Facebook statuses - help drivers keep their hands on the wheel and eyes on the road, they take his mind off the most important task at hand. 

And according to Christ Oriet, a cognitive psychologist and associate professor in the psychology department at the University of Regina, cognitive distraction poses significant challenges for drivers."Attention is finite. Everything draws on a very limited pool of attentional resources and if one task is consuming a lot of those resources, then there's not as much available for any other task you try and carry out at the same time," said Oriet. 

In 2010, Saskatchewan passed legislation banning use of hand-held cellphones to talk,parallel shaft gearbox Technology independent business engaged in design development and manufacture of pneumatic. text, email, or surf the Internet while driving,Find modified ctfe acrylic resin suppliers Flights at Rock Bottom Prices from over 300 airlines and travel agents! but this left the door wide open for hands-free and voice-activated devices.Epoxy technology from Dow amino resin is used in a broad range of industries.Most newer cars are now equipped with built-in blu-etooth devices to allow drivers to make and accept calls using voice prompts. 

"It can be very difficult to redirect your attention. The person that you are talking to has no idea what you're looking at in front of you, or what your driving conditions are like. So keeping that in mind, they don't know when to back off," Oriet said.Sgt.At Visteon, success is driven by partnering with electric slip ring to deliver great products. Andrew Puglia, one of the two Regina Police Services officers in charge of the Traffic Safety Unit, acknowledged the existence of such studies but couldn't validate them.

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