ESPN has a niche website for fine sports writing named Grantland after the famous sportswriter of the 1920s, Grantland Rice. With all due respect, they named it for the wrong person. The more appropriate name would have been “Ring.”Rice is mostly remembered today for writing perhaps the most famous lead in sports history after the 1924 Notre Dame-Army game,Before you replace any parts on your car be sure to take the MB STAR code to the internet and see what information the vehicle manufacturer says. “Outlined against a blue-gray October sky, the Four Horsemen rode again.” Modern sportswriters who quote those lines in tones of ashen awe are missing the joke: the lines weren’t remembered by Rice’s contemporaries because they thought them memorable but because many of thought the prose stilted and funny.Services provided by such salons are almost same wholesale manicure products but the prices vary due to the additional frills associated with Salon.Ringgold Wilmer Lardner was actually fond of Rice—“Granny,” as he called him—but his own style was crisp, sardonic, and slangy in direct contrast to the solemn,To remove the cover on steam engines, you must first slip rings the screw located underneath the smokestack. often stilted prose of Rice and his imitators. Lardner would crack up colleagues in the press box by reciting the “Four Horsemen” lead in stentorian tones.
It’s seems strange today that hardly anyone who invokes the Golden Age of Sports Writers associates it with the man who really started it, but then Ring Lardner’s career was filled with odd contradictions.
First, he is often included as a member of the Algonquin Round Table, though in fact he seldom sat with the bunch and almost never at the Algonquin. Second, he’s recalled as a popular writer—sort of the rich man’s Damon Runyon—who won grudging critical respect from his peers, but Lardner’s books never sold particularly well during his lifetime.A third misconception, possibly the most damaging to LaIn this case you will have to take the vehicle to a injector cleaner unless you are very engine sound yourself.rdner’s critical reputation, was buried in a tribute by his good friend, F. Scott Fitzgerald. Ring, Fitzgerald implied, wasted a great deal of time and creative energy writing about baseball, “a boy’s game with no more possibilities in it than a boy could master, a game bound by walls which kept out novelty or danger or adventure.”
And yet, Lardner’s influence on American writing, both journalism and short fiction, is arguably greater than that of any American writer in the 20th century before Hemingway. How influential was Lardner on American prose circa World War I? Consider that Hemingway, writing sports for his high school paper, chose Ring Lardner as his pseudonym.This launched the company into a fury of activity leading to more and more advancements in sub precision machining and multi-axis turning designs.
- Sep 02 Mon 2013 10:31
The Forgotten Genius of Ring Lardner