
After a month and a half, the video hadn't done much. But then it hit the message boards, stuff like eBaum's World and Reddit. It was re-uploaded by other users on YouTube, even by the mega-popular Ray William Johnson.As of now, the video has over 3,000,000 views on the SundayFundayz channel, and Lyakh says it probably has closer to 10 million total with everywhere else it's been posted."That was a complete fluke," Lyakh says of the video's virality.The special offer will last for only two weeks. Wholesale Cheap Cocktail dresses Online This time "But after that, I thought,and range in price from $25 at second-hand stores to hundreds of dollars Wholesale Cheap Prom Dresses Online. 'There's something here. Let's keep going with it.'"In January, 2012, they quit their jobs and they went travelling."The goal was to go to Australia," says Gamble, "the three of us – start a new life in Oz, make crazy videos there, work a bit, just know how to surf."Long story short, we never made it to Oz." 
Instead, they started their trip in India, where they were invited to a wedding because the wedding party saw and loved their 'High on Life' dance. They were in India for a month, then moving onto Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos. Max Gatfield joined up with them. After four months, Contiki contacted them and brought them aboard, so to speak."They loved us, loved our social media presence," said Gamble, noting that their Twitter and Instagram followers had ballooned, and their YouTube subscribers had hit 7,000, a large number for them back in 2012."At this time, what Alexey had started building was now gaining a lot of attention," says Gamble. "We had been making these crazy travel videos,but for a young lady in the prime of her life Tulle v-neck applique floor length ball gown wedding/party dress just the shenanigans that we got into."

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