Activities came back to clean up the backpack. Due to the backpack with PU coating, so not available washing machine. Correct way is to use a brush and then clean with a damp cloth. If it is too dirty how can a neutral detergent (not available with corrosive cleaning agents) washed bag in a cool place to dry, but avoid exposure to the Sun for too long, because ultraviolet rays can damage nylon. Walk the course still has to pay attention to basic maintenance, backpack slashed rates to sew, use thicker needles, are devoted to mending needle cushions shall be sewed, nylon cord available fire breaks.
Collection backpack is a cool, dry environment, avoiding mildew damage Pack cloth coat of waterproof coating on weekdays and check the main supporting points, such as belts, straps, the stability of the system and avoid aggravating the gasket or hardened and I do not know, zips it's time I want to switch, don't wait for things slip out of the backpack remedies.
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