
Obama making headway with effort to plant doubts about Romney

President Obama appears to have made progress with his efforts to seed doubts among voters about Mitt Romneys background, a new national poll shows.

The survey by the independent Pew Research Center found that more than one in three registered voters would like to learn more about Romneys record as a buyout executive at Bain Capital, his service as Massachusetts governor and his income tax returns.China Hair Bands Knitted Suppliers can change an outfit in amazing ways. There are so many things that a belt can do to the style of someone's clothing All have been the object of continuing attacks by Obama, propelled by millions of dollars worth of campaign ads in battleground states.

According to the opinion survey, completed Tuesday, most voters say they already know what they need to know about both presidential candidates. But unsurprisingly, more voters say they need to know more about Romney, who has received far less national exposure than Obama.Although the numbers of those wanting to learn more are relatively modest Pews analysis points out that two-thirds of voters already feel they have what they need to know about both candidates the numbers of those with doubts still appear to be significant in an election in which perhaps fewer than of likely voters have yet to make up their minds.

Among independent voters, the group considered most crucial to the outcome in November said they would like to learn more about Romneys activities at Bain Capital,Branded handbags are signatures of popular designers while wholesale handbags do not necessarily have a unique signature China Hair Bows Suppliers the private equity firm he co-founded. Obama has gone after Romney for facilitating the shift of U.There is also an unlimited number of special designs that can go on belts, such as heart-shaped holes, and skull shapes on buckles China Hair Bands Knitted ExportersS. jobs overseas, a particularly sensitive subject with voters in battleground states such as Ohio, which suffered an exodus of manufacturing employment over the years.

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